
Monday, January 15, 2018

Feng Shui Classes in New York


If you would like to learn Feng Shui and are looking for Feng Shui classes in New York, you are in the right place. Will LeStrange has over 20-years of experience teaching Feng Shui and Holistic Interior design. 



Here is an outline of the type of things covered in our "Learn Feng Shui" course



Fundamentals of Feng Shui: 

A comprehensive overview of the classical feng shui tradition. Covers history, philosophy, fundamental principles, and the basic elements of practical feng shui. Students will learn how to assess qi energy and the flow of qi, and how to establish a balanced and harmonious relationship with the living environment. 


Qi Energy Workshop: 

A comprehensive introduction to qi energy as it works in our bodies, lives, and the land and spaces in which we live. According to traditional Chinese science, the fundamental constituent of everything in the universe is qi, which is known in other traditions by such names as prana, or vital energy.


Feng Shui in Interior Space and Design:

Covering all aspects of building interiors. After a review of general feng shui principles, each kind of room is discussed in terms of form, shape, layout, furnishings, color and flow. The overall interior structure of buildings is also treated in terms of the same features. The advantages and disadvantages of these features for individual rooms and for whole structures are discussed. The first session consists of lecture and discussion and ends with an assignment of individual projects to students. The second session begins with a presentation, discussion and evaluation of the student projects, followed by a field trip to a private home and a public place to provide hands-on experience of feng shui evaluations.


[caption id="attachment_2046" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Students learning feng shui in NYC Learn Feng Shui in New York[/caption]


Feng Shui in Exterior Environments:

Covering all aspects of landforms, building exteriors, and exterior settings of buildings. After a review of the basic principles of landscape features and energy flow, the effects of immediate external environments are presented. Also covered are methods for detecting energy flow, fostering energy accumulation, and locating good energy spots, in terms of Yin-Yang and Five Element principles. The first session consists of lecture and discussion and ends with an assignment of individual projects sites for evaluation. The second session begins with a presentation, discussion and evaluation of the student projects, followed by a field trip to one or more locations to provide hands-on experience of external assessment. 


Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory:

Covering the foundations of the traditional Chinese sciences, which provide a working model of the universe, and thus provide the basis not only for Feng Shui, but of traditional Chinese medicine, architecture, astronomy, governance, military sciences, and all aspects of human and social affairs.  This set of workshops will be of interest not only for students of Feng Shui but for anyone interested in the deeper aspects of Chinese culture and history.  The first session focuses on Yin-Yang.  The second session focuses on Five Element Theory, ending with the assignment of individual practical projects.  The third session consists of a presentation, discussion and evaluation of the student assignments, and further detailed discussion of practical applications of the theory. 


TCM 5 elements



Ba Gua Theory and Applications: 

A one-session workshop covering the structural core of the I-Ching or Book of Change, from which the principles of Chinese traditional philosophy and science are derived. Presentation and discussion of the origin of the Ba Gua model, its applications in feng shui, astrology and divination, medicine, martial arts and warfare, and in general daily life. The Ba Gua model is one of the bases of the cosmological side of feng shui.


Cosmological Feng Shui:

Covering time and orientation in feng shui. Cosmological approaches, concerned with the effects of orientation and time, were popular from the seventeenth century onward, becoming more influential as human beings have become more urbanized and less directly connected with nature. The first session consists of presentation and discussion of the basic approaches of the principal schools: San Yuan, San Ho, Ba Zai (Eight Dwellings), and Jiu Xin (Nine Stars), and the basic aspects of the feng shui compass. In the second session, student case presentations will be discussed and evaluated.


Feng Shui Design Classes in NYC



Feng Shui in Business and Office Design: 

A one-session workshop beginning with a review of feng shui concepts, with special emphasis on selection and design of office and business space. Presentation and discussion of principles governing office space, the optimal arrangement of people with specific functions within a building, the arrangement of furniture to suit specific functions, and designs to optimize the energy flows of specific types of business (such as restaurant, law office, retail store, production facility, or corporate headquarters).


Feng Shui in Landscape and Garden Design: 

Covers the application of feng shui to landscape and garden design: philosophy, principles and technique of design, with emphasis on the application of Yin-Yang and Five Element principles and the integration of garden with structures. Comparative discussion of Oriental and Occidental approaches to garden design. The focus is not on technical specifics (drainage methods, pruning, and so on), but on the overall design approach.


The Yin and Yang of Love and Relationships: 

Love and relationships are crucial issues in human life, and people often become overwhelmed by the immediacy of their involvement. In this course, we use the perspectives of the Yin-Yang and Five Element theory to see human desire and behavior in the broader context of the patterns of nature and natural energies. We examine the relationship between male and female not from the point of view of men and women, but from the point of view of the interaction of Yin and Yang.


The Yin and Yang of Food and Cooking: 

Food is central to human life, and for many people, it is much more than just fuel. Food is also more than a matter of taste, flavor or nutrition: it is a matter of energy and the balance of energy. Traditionally, Chinese have seen food as an aspect of medicine. In this class, we study traditional Chinese cooking from the energetic point of view, and examine the part played by Yin Yang and Five Element Theory in traditional methods of choosing ingredients, cooking the food, and selecting the menu and presentation.


Feng Shui Classics: 

Introduces the historical tradition, the major classical texts, the rise and fall in popularity of various methods, and the historical and cultural background. Presentation of selections from the most important of the hundreds of surviving ancient texts (in translation). Prerequisite: all 100 and 200 level courses, or permission of instructor.


Feng Shui Case Studies: 

Gives advanced students a chance to use what they have learned by working with real cases, both classical and modern. There are three parts: presentation of classical examples, presentation by students of assigned cases, and presentation by students of a case from their own experience.


Feng Shui Remedies: 

Introduces advanced students to techniques for dealing with problem environments or conditions. Feng Shui is about the living environment, but it sometimes happens that we find ourselves unavoidably in situations that are less than ideal. This course presents the traditional, conventional methods for dealing with such issues from the point of view of the Form School. We will also examine non-conventional, esoteric approaches to dealing with such issues and discuss the historical and cultural context of various attempts to resolve Feng Shui problems.


For more information about Course Content and Course Schedule,

Please click here or call Will LeStrange (646) 759-0866 


The following article Feng Shui Classes in New York is republished from

from New York Feng Shui Consultant - Will LeStrange - Feed

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Feng Shui Success Stories


Even though I know the power of Feng Shui, I am always awed at what people experience after incorporating Feng Shui into their space. What a wonderful tool we have for enhancing, enriching and empowering lives.


Blueprint for a feng shui home

 This is the Transformation Roadmap used to help clients start the Feng Shui process.


Below are a selection of testimonials from clients in the New York area who have experienced interesting and sometimes life-changing experiences after working with Will LeStrange


Creating Financial Success

I was definitely a nonbeliever in Feng Shui; nevertheless, I followed Will's recommendations when a business colleague hired her to Feng Shui my townhouse. I rearranged my furniture, used another room that was a more active area, and moved electronic equipment to a stronger location for attracting opportunity. That year I made over $300,000. I was 23. I am now a believer and consider Feng Shui a direct factor in my financial success. ~ Steve 


Attracting Romance

My experience with Feng Shui is that results can come slowly and gradually, or they can be swift and immediate. I had worked Feng Shui in the past to support me in building my real estate business. So when my fiancée had broken off our engagement, I called Will LeStrange. He gave me a number of cures to attract romance and assured me that this could create new opportunities - however, for not getting my fiancée back. The cures included placing flowers and bamboo in a specific location. He warned me to stop the cures when I found a new love interest, as the cures could also lead to infidelity. After placing the cures, I went on a business trip where I met a man that I fell head over heels for. I had only paid attention to what I needed to do to attract a relationship, but not what to do once I found one. I frantically called Will when I returned and removed all cures. That relationship turned out to be short-lived, but a few months later I met a wonderful man, which led to a new engagement. I could not be happier with how Feng Shui has helped me and my life. ~ Julie 


Mating for Life

Last summer Will LeStrange helped me Feng Shui my apartment. The area of my life that I most wanted to change was attracting a relationship. I was ready for a long-term, committed, loving relationship. We reinforced Romance corners of each room with pairs of things and romantic items. We rearranged the bedroom to place my bed in a more favorable location, but I could not find any art for the bedroom. Will reminded me of a mutual acquaintance, an artist, who had actually become engaged shortly after changing out cold to warm colors in her bedroom and refocusing on pairs, not lonely, single symbols in both her art and her home. One piece was particularly significant, a beautiful pair of swans, significant because they mate for life. I commissioned another swan painting. The very evening of the day I hung this painting I reconnected with a casual friend, which became a very special relationship. We are planning to get married and are buying a home together this Spring. I just had to share this wonderful news with you.   ~ Dixie


A Prize Pick-up

I bought a house in a small rural area outside of New York to get away from my stressful work as a nurse and a hectic lifestyle. I was thrilled when Will confirmed that the house was so supportive for me -- the facing direction was perfect, as was the bedroom and bed location. My stove location even was quite favorable. We did some minor "tweaking"; and, I do not know if it was the favorable house, The Feng Shui, or just luck, but 2 weeks later I won a pickup truck. Regardless, I am happy with my new pickup and my new house.  ~ Margaret


If you would like to find out more about Feng Shui and how it can help bring positive change to your life, contact Will LeStrange at 646-759-0866

Feng Shui Success Stories was originally seen on
NYC Feng Shui Consultant

from New York Feng Shui Consultant - Will LeStrange - Feed

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Feng Shui Definitions


There are a lot of Terms and Jargon used in the practice of Feng Shui. In this article, I will cover the definition of three of the basic terms.


A bagua is an overlay (map) used in feng shui. It serves as the foundation for a Feng Shui consultation. Looking at this map is knowing where things should be, where colors should go. This map is 'placed over' your home and your outside property.


Cure:  something placed in a position to help lessen a problematic area. This can be something of a specific color, a crystal, a mirror, wind chimes, fountains, bamboo flutes, etc; it can also mean changing positions of furniture. For instance, if my desk is facing a wall, I am not in a position of 'power'. If my desk is positioned to face the door so that I know who is entering and leaving, I am in a much stronger position of 'power' and readiness. (Check out Feng Shui for business)I have a better chance to succeed, to have people come to me because I can see what is coming and be open and ready; no one can sneak up on me.


Introduction to Feng Shui 1: Definitions - Nine Steps to Feng Shui®


Chi: (pronounced 'chee'; sometimes pronounced 'key') is a word used often in eastern cultures (and is spelled differently by different cultures). Chi means 'energy' or 'life force'. If the chi is flowing in and through your rooms, there is more positive action happening, the people living in the house are healthier, happier, 'life force'



Feng Shui Tips -Introduction to Feng Shui, How Feng Shui works


The blog post Feng Shui Definitions was first seen on

from New York Feng Shui Consultant - Will LeStrange - Feed

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What is Chi?


You might be asking yourself, what is this thing called chi and why should I be concerned about it? Underlying the principles of Feng Shui is the concept of a basic energy of life called "chi". It is the all-encompassing, all-permeating, unifying force which flows through all things, animate and inanimate. The atmosphere is filled with chi, and people possess chi, which is the source of each individual's unique presence.


The fact is that everything in the world has its origins in the world of energy. Everything in the universe is an energy vibration frequency expressing itself in different forms. We have solid mass form energies and invisible energies that surround us. We can easily see solid mass form energies, such as tables, desks, beds, plants, buildings, etc.


A few of the invisible energies affecting us are radio and t.v. waves, power lines, harmful EMF's, color frequencies, thought forms, energies being projected and shaped by the solid mass energies and many more. Most individuals aren't consciously aware of these energies, especially the invisible ones, and the impact they have on us.





Your thoughts are a form of energy at a higher frequency that can be changed in an instant which then changes your demeanor. You can't see your thought forms (invisible energy) just as you can't see the invisible energies in your environment, but they both have a distinct effect on you. When your thoughts are chaotic you find yourself out of balance.


Since your environmental energies and you are in constant interaction, you could find yourself out of balance but unaware that it could be your personal space that is causing your imbalance and frustrations. The content and arrangement of your environment affect the flow of the vital energies that are continually around you. Your environment either enhances the life-force energy or detracts and drains it.


Just as you have your own personal energy field every structure and household contains it's own unique field of energy patterns, too. Whatever is going on in your surroundings is then integrated into your personal energy field. The imbalanced energy patterns held throughout the structure and household affects your ability to maintain your own internal balance of chi (our life force) which can cause you to work harder than necessary to achieve your desired goals. Stated simply you and your environment are emerging bodies of energy interacting with each other, weaving your life situations.


Picture of chi energy


These invisible energies are balanced by the appropriate placement of the visible energies. This means the form, content, placement, and symbolism of every object in your environment is affecting you on many levels of consciousness. Feng Shui is the balancing of the interplay between personal and environmental chi. The more the chi is flowing through your surroundings in harmony and balance the more it supports your life force which empowers you to operate at your optimal potential.


Here is another example to help you to better understand this art. Feng Shui can be related to acupuncture, chiropractic, or aspirin for the environment. One of the ways your personal chi can get drained is if you would have pain in an area of your body. This pain creates a blockage in your energy flow and drains you. When you are experiencing this pain it directs your attention and focus towards it, thus taking away valuable energy which could be utilized more beneficially in other ways.


To dissipate this pain you usually do a number of things. For example, you might have an acupuncture treatment, chiropractic adjustment, or simply take an aspirin. Once the pain is dissipated the energy blockage is removed and you are in the flow again, back in balance, and feeling good. The same thing happens to your environment.


If there is an imbalance or blockage in the energy patterns and it is not flowing in accordance with it's best natural state, it causes a draining and dismal effect on the surroundings. Once the principles of Feng Shui have been applied to dissipate the energy imbalances your environment is also in balance and feeling good!


If you would like to discover more about Feng Shui and learn about the benefits of creating healthy chi in your surroundings, call Will LeStrange for a free 15-minute phone consultation.

The post What is Chi? is republished from
New York Feng Shui Consultant

from New York Feng Shui Consultant - Will LeStrange - Feed

Friday, December 15, 2017

Modern Feng Shui For Better Living


The Chinese Encyclopedia (Sinica) defines feng shui as "The external and visible signs of the heavenly Yin and Yang; the art of arranging the human environment to be aligned with the Ch'i (Universal vital energy)". Feng Shui is pronounced "Fung Sway".

Sketch of a sofa


This art and science of Feng Shui is based on:

1. The principle of balance of the two modes of energy; Yin (passive, descending, calm) and Yan (active, rising, aggressive).

2. The five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, and metal).

3. The eight polarities and forces of nature described in the I Ching or "Book of the Classic Changes" (heaven and earth, fire and water, lake and mountain, wind and thunder).

4. Lunar astrology

5. The eight cardinal points and the nine numbers (9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) of the Magic Square of Saturn.


Five Element Chart


The Ch'i always flows in a circular motion based on the universal motions of the planets and is found in humans, animals, and plants. When this vital force (Ch'i) does not flow adequately, many obstacles can be manifested such as poor communication, loss of money, confusion and health problems. Using the technique of this science and art we can improve and help the better flow of Ch'i in the different areas in the house. Following are some general rules and tips for the proper alignment of specific areas of the home.



Straight lines must be avoided! Pathways from the street to the house should be in meandering (wavy) lines. Circular driveways should always be larger in width at the beginning and narrower at the end. Tall trees should not block the main door of the house. Structural fountains can take the Ch'i away from the entrance. In the Eastern cultures, fountains were never used, but ponds and waterfalls were used. Ponds and structural fountains can also be used on the side of the main door or on the Northwest side of the house. Wind chimes can also be hung at the NW side of the house or in trees, but never near the front main door.


[caption id="attachment_1808" align="aligncenter" width="275"]chinese character for Chi The Chinese Ideogram For Chi[/caption]



When the foyer is in a small area, mirrors can be very disruptive for the Ch'i. It is recommended to have a landscape painting and a small plant (plants represent the element of wood which moves the Ch'i constantly and in all direction.) If there is a direct view from the main front door to the patio, the Ch'i will escape from the house taking away the good energy flow and good fortune. We have to allow the Ch'i to circulate inside the house continuously. If there is a direct view to the patio or backyard, then tall plants may be placed between the main door and the windows or door to block the view. Also, a wooden screen or divider may be placed with a plant to block the view.



For Eastern cultures, the kitchen is the sacred area of the house, because the food is prepared and cooked for one's nourishment, and that food was bought with money. the kitchen should never be visible from the main door. the kitchen should be protected from visitors! In the United States, and, particularly, here in Manhattan, the kitchen is the meeting area of the house. If we can not avoid visitors in the kitchen, then we should have plants on the counter or in the area close to the cooking space. The colors, green and/or brown are recommended as well as the element of wood to balance the fire and water. All the plants should be real live ones, not silk or plastic!



The element of water can take Ch'i when it is too exposed or enhanced. For instance, the door of the bathroom must always be closed. The colors red and yellow, as well as candles, should be avoided in the decoration of the bathrooms. Only candles, with a base in wood or surrounded by plants, can be used in areas where the element of water is so powerful.


Bedroom Feng Shui



No mirrors in the bedroom! In the Eastern cultures, mirrors are never used because of their bouncing effects which can alter and confuse the Ch'i. When mirrors are placed in front of the bed or in the back of it, this can produce insomnia and will weaken the health and communication between the couple. The best place to have mirrors is in the bathroom because there is plenty of water flowing. Mirrors can also be used inside the closets. To prevent the bouncing of the Ch'i, it is convenient to place a plant nearby or in front of the mirror. The bed should never have the head under a window.


For better results in using these earth sciences, the analysis should be based on the astrological individual data of the person/persons living in the area. Once we identify and know the elements and characteristics of the individuals, we can proceed with application on the living or working area.


If you would like to discover more about Feng Shui and how it can help you and your surroundings, please feel free to give Will LeStrange a call... He is always happy to answer questions and help get you on the right track.

Will offers Feng Shui consultation and Design Services in Manhattan and throughout the New York area

The article Modern Feng Shui For Better Living is available on
Will LeStrange - NYC Feng Shui Expert

from New York Feng Shui Consultant - Will LeStrange - Feed

Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Quick Journey Through the Feng Shui Ba Gua


There are so many different factors that influence or determine our success in life. There are some that are predestined or unchangeable such as our parents, our birth date, birthplace, our culture and the economic and cosmic cycles at our time of birth. These factors have a great impact on our foundation in life and we have no control over them. Nonetheless, we can learn about ourselves through these factors.


Then, there are adjustable factors such as our education, friends, spouse, career, personality, creativity, moral, motivation, ambition, endurance, philosophy of life, abilities to make a living, place of establishment and the energy or feng shui of our home or office. If we were to set these factors on a scale, how do they rank in contributing to our success in life? How can we improve certain factors to promote us?


There is one particular model in Feng Shui that helps us compartmentalize our life experiences into nine areas. Its called the BaGua (PaKwa) Ba meaning eight, Gua, meaning Trigrams. The Eight Trigrams are arranged around a central space called the Tai Chi. Each area represents one specific area of life. This life map allows us to correlate life experiences with a physical space in our surrounding. Below is a short description of what each area means and how you can see your life reflected in the arrangement of your surroundings.


Illustration of the feng shui bagua map


Success, Recognition, Spirit

Research has confirmed that the way in which you see yourself has crucial implications for your personal development and mental health. The perceptions others hold of you (your reputation) can directly affect the opportunities you are given to develop your talents and skills, to interact with others in a harmonious environment, and to develop your identity and self-worth.


Fame does not mean notoriety for its own sake, but recognition of an undertaking well done and a sense of fulfillment. 


The reflective approach taken in my Feng Shui consultation helps you to increase your self-insight, thereby making your life more fulfilling.


Good Feng Shui expands your career, presents opportunities for promotion, and helps to attract mentors and other patrons who can help you. It also opens up opportunities for you to expand yourself: travel, the acquisition of knowledge, meaningful relationships.


Relationship, Marriage, Partnerships

In every personal relationship, your feelings about another person are strongly influenced by the way your interaction makes you feel about yourself.


The principle in Feng Shui can provide you an opportunity to help you better understand the way your personality and living environment influence and are influenced by your intimate connection with a special person.


Developing a stable and satisfying relationship does not require some mysterious talent, it depends on a process of self-disclosure ( sharing intimate, private information about yourself with another person). It's not who you are, but what you do that strengths your relationship.




In everyday life, all of us play many different social roles. Such as your role as a parent, sibling, son or daughter, student, athlete, employee, community leader, etc. The principal goal here is to deepen in the awareness of our connection to one another.


Feng Shui can be described as the Tao (the way) of design and life. The yin/yang (female/male) symbol symbolizes wholeness (balance between the polarities of yin/yang). Feng shui is a lifestyle, in fact. As within, so without. Begin now to discover the wonder and peace it brings.


When discussing feng shui related to relationship and marriage, there are two basic rules: (1) have nothing broken in your home, and (2) rid yourself of things you do not love.



The different approaches to applying the BaGua to your Home


Projects, Future, Offspring

In a sense, we each live three lives. We have our public life, our private life, and our inner life.


Our inner life is where we connect with our unique human endowments of self-awareness, conscience, independent will, creative imagination and passion of vision.


As Gandhi said, "We must become the change we seek in the world". Is there something you feel you could do to make a difference?


We call this creative imagination (project) "passion". It's empowered by the "legacy" we can leave, the contribution we can make.


All of us have read the story of Columbus and his discovery of America. It was imagination that led him to his discovery. The sailors said to Columbus, "What shall we do when all hopes is gone?" His reply was, "Sail on, sail on, sail on and on."


Ideally, the room you spend most of the time developing your creative projects should be exposed to energizing sunlight at dawn. This would be the case in the east and south-east of your home. The east contains the youthful uplifting chi energy associated with growing and developing.


Your creative self is alive and waiting for your invitation to evolve! Dare to embrace your creative self and manifest your dreams. Recognizing your creativity leads you into a life of self-expression, fulfillment, and contribution.


Friends, Clients, Travel

It could be said that growth and development are not achieved simply through an enthusiasm for ourselves. When we stop to note that what real effect others are having on us, the satisfaction that a king or queen would take from being the benevolent monarch who appreciates his or her friends, partners, subordinates, etc. are what makes him/her great.


Interaction with others is an essential part of life. We should be willing to help others and need some help in return.


Take a source of keen delight and pleasure in your work, environment and the people. Display a glad feeling and enthusiasm, and this mood will be felt also by others. Your words of encouragement and confidence to others can lift them up and also give you an inner joy to see them grow and expand. Then you find wonders happening in your life. That is the true meaning of HELPER.


When I say helpful people, this is your whole support system, but also people who bring you opportunities, referrals, people whom open doors for you. 


An enhancer for any space that will nurture the supportive energy is an object which represents all five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.


From time to time we feel fear. Fear of losing control, irresponsibility, losing friends. Fear of being lost in the emptiness. Fear that something will happen that will change you. Relax. Understand that, like all the other feelings -- boredom, pleasure, pain, excitement-- your fears, too, will pass.


Our conscious, reasoning, intellectual mind is the governor of our heart's desire.


[caption id="attachment_1840" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Luo Pan Feng Shui Compass Luo Pan Compass[/caption]



Career, Lifepath, Work


A vacation means more than a choice of work, more than a job. As its Latin origin suggests, vocation implies a "calling"-- as in feeling called by God, or by the needs of a community, or by a sense of one's own personal talents to make a contribution in a particular kind of work.


A career is a chosen line of work through which a person labors in a profession or trade and contributes expertise through time, energy, commitment, and competence.


I always think in terms of the future: Where do I want to be in 5, 10, or 15 years? Most of us are too busy catching up with what's in front of us to take the time to see what's ahead.


Let your dream inform your vocation. Learn how to sell your dream to others. When you're selling your dream, you've got to explain everything as clearly as possible, and assure yourself and others that you will succeed.


To be an EXPLORER is to have a dream. Your dream gives your life direction and helps you navigate day-to-day decisions.



For the big decision in life such as choosing a vocation, you need to reach a deeper region of consciousness. Let patterns develop in your mind. Let clues and evidence emerge from your environment. You need time, patience, listening and courage.


The real dividing line is PASSION. As long as you BELIEVE that what you're doing is MEANINGFUL, you can cut through fear and exhaustion and make the NEXT STEP.


To get anywhere -- in life or in business -- you have to know where you're headed. You need to have a clear picture that depicts where you want to go.


If you want to build a tree house, you'd gather some wood, a saw, and a hammer, and also a rule. If you wanted to ski, you'd get skis, boots, and a warm parka. But what if you want success? What would you do?


Start by writing your own mission statement. What turns you on? What's your personal definition of success? Money? Power? Fame? Or doing what you love?




I hope that you will take the time to learn and to discern the ways in which your distinctive gifts and experiences are speaking to you in your path to a true vocation.


Skills, Wisdom, Knowledge

Are all of the vessels full in your life? Look under health, fame, love, children, career, and wealth. Are you fully satisfied on all levels? Is there something lacking in one of them? If you say, "All I want is truth or wisdom." Then you have all.


The fundamental role of intention is scientifically illuminated while attention is brought to that which interrupts our clarity, allowing more conscious habits to develop as we choose the lives we lead rather than allow circumstances to determine them for us.

An Opportunity to Learn Feng Shui with Will LeStrange

We learn the basic components of change, where beliefs, desires, and feelings play their roles and how to deliberately align our energy with our greatest joys.


Click here to learn more about this course

This course is for those who want to take full responsibility for their lives and are willing to examine any blocks or sabotaging behaviors in order to deliberately craft a life one aspires to. This is an in-depth presentation with plenty of psychology, metaphysics, and spirituality applied for entirely practical purposes that will last a lifetime.


Family, Past, health


To live a life with Taoist intent, honoring our family is a must.

Now for some poetry!


A blueberry muffin with butter on every bite

Scientific discoveries

A child's evolving vocabulary

Your weekend project

A soft sofa to snuggle into

Cool moms

Not letting snow stop you

The feel of cashmere

A good explanation

Roving photographers

Antiseptics that don't sting

Finding an old scrapbook

Sunshine-yellow flannel pajamas

When friends drop in at a good time

A donation to a favorite charity

Cool air clearing your mind

Street names

The tangy smell of mustard

A diary waiting to be filled

Bird songs in winter

Homemade milkshakes

A place where kids can be kids

Soft, soft tissues

A loud rendition of the alphabet song

Potatoes done every which way

Foamy clouds

Priceless memories

Listening before you act

Gingerbread pancakes

Cross-country skies

Having love and creativity in your life

A coffeemaker snoring

Frozen streams and ponds for ice skating

A mother calmly nursing her child

The quiet mind

Nature as your teacher

A brass cauldron of firewood

A supermarket's grand opening

Selling an invention

Pine-needled paths

Learning to let go

A hands-free walk to work

Finding some peace and satisfaction

People with class

Making doughnut glaze for the first time

Living a long, long time

Geologic marvels

A warm greenhouse in January

Complimentary tea and shortbread

Discovering where your mind wandered

Easy-to-get reservations

Time-outs for kids

Winning a tournament

Questions with answers

A striking black-and-white photo

Children with hiccups

Training yourself to be in a good mood

Bones for dogs

A clean garbage can

Not looking at clocks or watches for a day

The Sunday New York Times

Setting up a treasure hunt

Feeling renewed

Socks that match your outfit

A cool room and a pile of blankets

Children blessed with pure laughter

Sharpening a pencil

Losing a pound

An artist at work

Being deeply wanted

Not crying over spilt milk

Dreams of summer

A library of multicolored books

New towels or sheets

The sizzle of a griddle

Babies in backpacks

Music in the air

Beautiful pictures in magazine ads

Being seated in a cozy booth

Touching toes in bed

Holding hands

Winter stars

Sunday mornings at Home Depot

For once, being the first to get the joke

Building an igloo


The privacy of thought

An exciting plot

A painting-in-progress on an easel

Wildlife preservation

Just enough hand lotion

A breathtaking ferry ride

Repaired potholes


No static on the radio

Spellbinding moments


A warm, roomy sleeping bag

Fried eggs, over medium

A carefully wrapped gift

-- Unknown collections


There is one more Gua to go... Wealth, Prosperity, Luck... and for that, you will have to wait for the next post. This gua is one which I get asked about all the time in my day to day work as a New York Feng Shui consultant. There is a lot to say about this so I think it is best left until next time.

The post A Quick Journey Through the Feng Shui Ba Gua was first seen on

from New York Feng Shui Consultant - Will LeStrange - Feed

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Feng Shui for Buying and Selling Property in New York

Are you experiencing difficulties with a real estate transaction? Are you stuck with a property that won’t sell? Maybe you have moved into a new apartment and feel uncertain that this was the best move for you?


Feng shui for buying/selling housesWhatever your situation, calling a Feng Shui expert could provide you with the solution and peace of mind you are looking for.


Feng Shui expert, Will LeStrange’s busy New York practice is specifically oriented toward helping real estate professionals, homeowners, interior designers, architects and, businesses in selecting the best properties or to enhance existing homes or businesses for their individual requirements.


Will brings many years of real estate experience combined with his Feng Shui and Energy Balancing knowledge to help real estate professionals in understanding the benefits of having their sellers use these methods to sell their properties for the best possible price and terms.


He assists buyers in helping them to determine the best properties to buy for their individual needs, and he assists current homeowners in determining the best ways to remodel and to adjust their homes in order to maintain balance and harmony.


In addition to his Feng Shui knowledge, Will is an expert at identifying and clearing/balancing environmental disturbances, such as:
• Geophysical disturbances
• Metaphysical disturbances
• Technological disturbances


He combines his practical knowledge of real estate with his application of Feng Shui principles and energy balancing techniques in a way that offers real estate professionals, home buyers, homeowners, and business professionals solutions that meet their individual needs in a way that is life enhancing and environmentally balanced.


The goal of Feng Shui and Energy Balancing in real estate is to realign, rebalance and improve the inherent energy of buildings, people, and the environment. When this is accomplished, harmony in the home and workplace increases the prospects for health, wealth and good fortune.


Feng Shui For Selling homes in New York

In the case of selling, it makes a property more salable. In the case of buying, you can be assured you will be buying property that will be supportive of your family or business. In the case of a remodel, you can be assured that good Feng Shui principles will be incorporated into the overall design.


Home and Office Previews

Determining in advance if a home or office is going to be overall supportive or unsupportive to you can save you a great deal of money, frustration and potential health problems in the long run. Just because a home or office looks beautiful and/or has a wonderful view, does not mean that it is ideal for you.


Feng Shui looks at the date of construction of the building, the type of building that it is, based on the sitting direction, and the personal trigrams of the individuals that will occupy the home or building, based on their birth dates, need to be  calculated to determine if a particular home or building is right for you.


feng shui plan of an ideal house in NYc


New Construction and Remodeling

Will works with homeowners, interior designers, and architects in the design of new homes and buildings and in the design phase of remodeling. This can avoid design elements in construction that can cause bad Feng Shui that can potentially be negative to the occupants.

Additionally, Energy Balancing addresses issues that traditional Feng Shui does not address. 


Comprehensive Feng Shui Evaluations and Energy Balancing

Will LeStrange provides one on one consultations for the following:
• Personal
• Home
• Office
• Business
• Site Evaluation
• Commercial Property
• Industrial Property
• Residential Property
• Design Review


To find out more about Feng Shui for Buying and selling property in the New York area, contact Will LeStrange at (646) 759-0866 or click here

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