
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Feng Shui for Buying and Selling Property in New York

Are you experiencing difficulties with a real estate transaction? Are you stuck with a property that won’t sell? Maybe you have moved into a new apartment and feel uncertain that this was the best move for you?


Feng shui for buying/selling housesWhatever your situation, calling a Feng Shui expert could provide you with the solution and peace of mind you are looking for.


Feng Shui expert, Will LeStrange’s busy New York practice is specifically oriented toward helping real estate professionals, homeowners, interior designers, architects and, businesses in selecting the best properties or to enhance existing homes or businesses for their individual requirements.


Will brings many years of real estate experience combined with his Feng Shui and Energy Balancing knowledge to help real estate professionals in understanding the benefits of having their sellers use these methods to sell their properties for the best possible price and terms.


He assists buyers in helping them to determine the best properties to buy for their individual needs, and he assists current homeowners in determining the best ways to remodel and to adjust their homes in order to maintain balance and harmony.


In addition to his Feng Shui knowledge, Will is an expert at identifying and clearing/balancing environmental disturbances, such as:
• Geophysical disturbances
• Metaphysical disturbances
• Technological disturbances


He combines his practical knowledge of real estate with his application of Feng Shui principles and energy balancing techniques in a way that offers real estate professionals, home buyers, homeowners, and business professionals solutions that meet their individual needs in a way that is life enhancing and environmentally balanced.


The goal of Feng Shui and Energy Balancing in real estate is to realign, rebalance and improve the inherent energy of buildings, people, and the environment. When this is accomplished, harmony in the home and workplace increases the prospects for health, wealth and good fortune.


Feng Shui For Selling homes in New York

In the case of selling, it makes a property more salable. In the case of buying, you can be assured you will be buying property that will be supportive of your family or business. In the case of a remodel, you can be assured that good Feng Shui principles will be incorporated into the overall design.


Home and Office Previews

Determining in advance if a home or office is going to be overall supportive or unsupportive to you can save you a great deal of money, frustration and potential health problems in the long run. Just because a home or office looks beautiful and/or has a wonderful view, does not mean that it is ideal for you.


Feng Shui looks at the date of construction of the building, the type of building that it is, based on the sitting direction, and the personal trigrams of the individuals that will occupy the home or building, based on their birth dates, need to be  calculated to determine if a particular home or building is right for you.


feng shui plan of an ideal house in NYc


New Construction and Remodeling

Will works with homeowners, interior designers, and architects in the design of new homes and buildings and in the design phase of remodeling. This can avoid design elements in construction that can cause bad Feng Shui that can potentially be negative to the occupants.

Additionally, Energy Balancing addresses issues that traditional Feng Shui does not address. 


Comprehensive Feng Shui Evaluations and Energy Balancing

Will LeStrange provides one on one consultations for the following:
• Personal
• Home
• Office
• Business
• Site Evaluation
• Commercial Property
• Industrial Property
• Residential Property
• Design Review


To find out more about Feng Shui for Buying and selling property in the New York area, contact Will LeStrange at (646) 759-0866 or click here

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