
Monday, November 6, 2017

A Healthy House Means Healthy People

Every House is a Living Entity and there are many things to consider when looking at a home in regard to health. The feng shui practitioner looks at the entryway (the mouth of the house), to see if the chi (energy) is being invited into the space, or blocked from the body of the house. We look to see where and how the bathrooms are located, where stairways are, and what relationships are formed within the design and structure or the home or building. We look at the relationships within the structure of the house, and outside as well. In my practice, I take note of the natural directions and the home's relationship to the natural environment that surrounds it. I use my client's birthdates and muscle testing to determine what elements are going to enhance all areas of their life. Color, shape, and placement play important roles in the health of the home and its residents.


Each area of the house relates to specific parts of the human body.


These areas also relate to different aspects of our lives, as well as issues that we deal with in daily living, and throughout time. Each area interacts with the other, creating either harmony or discord depending on what is there, how they are structured, and how the chi is flowing in the space. Finding the vitality and providing pathways for the healthy chi to flow into and around the house and property, assures the family within of good health and well being. This is true for a business site as well.

Feng Shui was traditionally one of the eight branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In order to get a grasp of Feng Shui and its usefulness in creating healthy homes, it is useful to understand the foundations of the Chinese Five elements. In the following article from Professor Xi-Hua Xu, Nan Lu, OMD, and Ellen Schaplowsky the founders of Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, they explain very well the principle of the theory.


“Everything that appears in the physical realm is always connected with energy flow at the invisible level.” - Nan Lu


Five Element Framework - A Universal Theory Woven into Chinese Culture

TCM’s Five Element framework is ancient and Universal in what it embodies. The Five Elements are deeply woven into the fabric of Chinese culture. In fact, Five Element theory is the foundation of Chinese disciplines such as feng shui, the martial arts, and the I Ching (The Book of Changes, a text also Universal in its understanding and representation of the dynamic balance of opposites and the processes of unfolding events and change).


A Comprehensive Template Reflecting Natural Law

The Five Elements are a comprehensive template that organizes all natural phenomena into five master groups or patterns in nature. Each of the five groups—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—include categories such as a season, a direction, climate, stage of growth and development, internal organ, body tissue, emotion, aspect of the soul, taste, color, sound . . . the categories are seemingly limitless. The Five Elements reflect a deep understanding of natural law, the Universal order underlying all things in our world.


TCM 5 elements


Image Source:


It provides a master blueprint that diagrams how nature interacts with the body and how the different dimensions of our being, impact each other. When studying the Five Element Framework it is important to emphasize that this multi-dimensional view of life offers a diagnostic framework to recognize where imbalances—body, mind, emotions, and spirit lie. The Five Elements include the internal organs and the interconnected relationships between them.



A Theory of Connection and Interaction

So what does the Five Element theory say to us about the world we live in? First, it speaks about how all things are connected.


Everything within each element is related. Let’s take the Water element as an example. Look at the Five Element diagram: Water is related to winter, a cold climate, the north, the color black, the Kidneys, the emotion fear. These are things that share a deep, sometimes invisible, connection to each other. When it is winter there is a cold essence, it relates to and impacts in some way the Kidneys, the emotion fear is linked, though not always in an obvious, visible way.


The Five Elements show us how the structures and systems in our bodies are connected to each other; how we are connected to our environment and the natural world; how our world is part of the greater universe. Many people today have lost this deep connection to nature and no longer are able to feel this truth resonate in their being. The Universal principle of connection still exists nonetheless.


The Balancing Relationships of Generation and Support

The Five Elements are five fundamental energies in nature in motion. There is a dynamism between them; they are not static. Within the structure of the Five Elements, there are two fundamental relationships: generation and support. Without the balancing nature of these two relationships, things would fall out of order in a flash.


When the Five Elements speak about "generation", it means a relationship that nurtures and promotes growth. Think of a mother and child. The mother gives birth to her child and provides her energy to ensure the growth of her child. An example of generation is the relationship between the Kidney and the Liver. (Kidney generates Liver).


Support, in terms of the Five Elements, represents a relationship that acts as a restraining energy or force, making sure that things do not grow too quickly or slowly, neither too strong nor too weak. Without support, things would fall out of proportion; balance would be lost.


Something to Think About


Places in the home that are void of good "chi", diminish our personal energetic resources. These areas tax the body and mind on an energetic level and can create chronic health conditions. In this kind of diminishing environment, there is either a constant drain of energy or stress that is created by energetic conflict. Most of the time we are not consciously aware of these conditions because we have learned to overcompensate in the face of stress. Feng Shui is a powerful and effective tool for transforming undesirable health conditions and bringing residents good health and well-being.


Healthy Home  Consultations in New York


My background (over 23 years) as a builder, a designer, a teacher and a healer, combined with my study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism and meditation, has given me insight into the combination of right energies that balance and support healing from within and without. This consulting can be done in person, or long distance, via phone and email.


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